If you have raised some money for St John and you need to get it to us, please see below the various options:
The ideal method of payment will be a BACS payment as it goes straight into the Bank Account.
Please can we ask that you put your full name as the reference, so we know who to contact to confirm receipt.
Please inform the Community Fundraising team that the donation has been paid in by emailing communityfundraising@sja.org.uk.
Bank Name: Barclays Bank
Bank Account No: 80375284
Sort Code No: 20-82-94
Reference: <Your Name>
IBAN Number: GB09BARC20829480375284
Please note if you are a St John volunteer you should refer to Connect articles on How to Bank or speak to the Community Fundraising team by emailing communityfundriaising@sja.org.uk.
If you have been given a cheque or will be writing one yourself, it should be made payable to St John Ambulance and please could you put your full name and region on the back of the cheque for us as a reference.
Cheques can be sent to our finance team based in Sheffield and all you need to do is to get a blank envelope and write SJA FREEPOST. You don't need a stamp or an address.
Please also fill out the below Fundraising Gift Form (which can also be downloaded as a PDF on the side and sent along with the cheque) so we know to expect the money.
You can pay directly through our website on our online donation page.
Emailing fundraising@sja.org.uk with your name, region, how much you donated, and when will ensure we are able to locate your donation. It would also be great to know if it was linked to a specific activity.
If you need further support, please contact fundraising@sja.org.uk.