First aid saves lives
St John people make a positive impact every day, responding to emergencies, supporting communities and saving lives. Read our amazing stories from patients and volunteers.
Jude's first aid knowledge was vital when she found a colleague having a seizure.
When Eve was 19, she was spiked. She couldn't see or move, and knew she needed help fast.
Kate, a second-year medical student, was enjoying a night out celebrating a friend’s birthday when her drink was spiked, leaving her unable to move or think clearly.
It was half-time during the Chelsea match when Prince heard people yelling for a medic. He found Paul collapsed in his seat and gasping for air.
Danny was holding the door open for his colleague when she turned grey and collapsed in front of him. She was unresponsive and struggling to breathe.
Beth was in the middle of dinner with her sister when her 3-year-old nephew suddenly looked panicked and started flapping his arms. That's when she realised he was choking.
Gwen and her husband, John, were enjoying a quiet evening together when she realised something wasn’t right.
Peter was out for drinks with his wife when he saw a man lying unconscious, in a pool of his own blood.
When Iceland boss, Richard Walker, collapsed from heatstroke at the London Marathon, our volunteers were on standby to save his life.
Charlie, now a District Youth Officer and Student Paramedic, tells us about how his time with St John has helped him in his career.
“It was such a powerful moment for me, seeing my first aid training actually working in practice.”
‘I am an asset to society and am giving back to my community in the best way possible’
On her way into Telford city centre for some shopping, Lynne was sitting in a taxi when the van behind her crashed into the wall of the shopping centre.
‘When you join St John you immediately become part of the family. Everyone is so nice and kind, and it's just a really amazing experience.’
‘It was an incredible feeling to know I was responsible for saving someone’s life.’
'I have an undying gratitude to the men and women who gave up their Sunday morning to stand around in October drizzle waiting to save someone's life. My life.'
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