June 13, 2022: With the temperatures rising and summer finally on its way, St John Ambulance shares some simple, but lifesaving first aid tips to help keep communities safe and healthy in the sun this year. 

Knowing how to spot the symptoms and treat common heat-related conditions such as fainting, sunburn and dehydration can be vital in helping people look after themselves and others - but also could help prevent an avoidable trip to hospital. 

However, it’s not just heat related symptoms that the public need to look out for this year. With a recent rise in temperatures and a soaring pollen count – this year’s hay fever season has been dubbed ‘thunder fever’.  

The leading first aid and health response charity is warning those with pre-existing conditions such as asthma – which hay fever can exacerbate - to take extra precautions during the summer months and encourages those suffering to visit their pharmacist for medication that may help ease their symptoms. 

On staying well during the hot weather, Medical Director for St John Ambulance Dr Lynn Thomas, said: 

"We want everyone to enjoy themselves this summer, but also to take extra care in the warm weather and look after one another.  

"If you're out and about in the sunshine, it's important to make sure you look after yourself by staying hydrated, keeping out of the sun at peak times, and by wearing sunscreen with a minimum SPF 30.  

"I would also encourage anyone with elderly relatives and neighbours to check in with them, as any increase in temperature can be dangerous. 

“Make sure you go out prepared, and can spot the early warning signs, as by knowing what action to take could stop it turning into something more serious.” 

St John shares top tips for hay fever, fainting, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and sun burn this year: 

Hay fever 

Hay fever is a very common condition that affects over 10 million people in England. It is caused by an allergy to pollen and usually causes mild symptoms of itchy eyes, runny nose and sneezing. 

How can you reduce symptoms: 

  1. If you know that you have hay fever, ideally, it is recommended to start taking hay fever medications a few weeks before the pollen season starts – one to remember for next year!. A useful online pollen calendar can be a great tool to help guide you.  
  2. Pharmacists can give advice on the best treatment for your symptoms, there are lots of treatments available, including those that can be taken orally or put directly into the eyes or nose.  
  3. Regularly vacuuming and damp-dusting can also help keep the levels of pollen down in your home. Some vacuum cleaners come with a HEPA filter that can reduce the levels even more. 
  4. Vaseline around your nostrils can help trap pollen. 
  5. Wear wrap-around sunglasses, since this can prevent the pollen getting to your eyes and irritating them.  

When should I see my GP? 

  1. You should see your GP if your symptoms are getting worse or not responding to the treatments advised by the pharmacist. Also, consult a doctor if you are asthmatic and are noticing that your chest is tight and/or you have persistent cough. 
  2. The GP may prescribe other treatments. These may include steroid nasal spray. In some severe cases, you may be referred to an allergy specialist. 


Fainting is when someone briefly becomes unresponsive, often causing them to fall to the ground. It happens because for a moment, there is not enough blood flowing to the brain.    

People often faint as a reaction to pain, exhaustion, hunger, or emotional stress. It is also common for people to faint after they have been standing or sitting still for a long period of time, especially if they’re feeling hot.    

What to look for:   

  1. There may be a brief loss of response, often causing them to fall to the ground.     
  2. They may have a slow pulse.     
  3. They may have pale, cold skin and sweating.    

How to treat someone who has fainted:  

  1. Advise them to lie down.    
  2. If possible, elevate their legs slightly using a stool, cushions or pillows. Make sure they get plenty of fresh air and ask other people to stand back.    
  3. Reassure them and help them to sit up slowly, when they feel better.    
  4. If they stay unresponsive, open their airway, check their breathing and prepare to treat someone who is unresponsive.    


Dehydration happens when someone loses more fluid than they take in, especially if it’s really hot and sweaty outside, so make sure you’re sipping lots of water at regular intervals.  

How to spot dehydration:   

There are four key things to look for if someone is suffering from dehydration:  

  1. They may complain of headaches and light headedness  
  2. Dry mouth, eyes and lips  
  3. Pass only small amounts of dark urine  
  4. Have muscle cramps  

How to treat dehydration:   

  1. Help them to sit down and give them plenty of water to drink.  
  2. Giving them an oral rehydration solution to drink will help replace salt and other minerals which they’ve lost – you can buy this in sachets from any pharmacy.  
  3. If they have any painful cramps, encourage them to rest, help them stretch and massage their muscles that hurt.  
  4. Keep checking how they’re feeling – if they still feel unwell once they’re rehydrated then encourage them to see a healthcare professional straight away.  

If left untreated, someone with dehydration can develop heat exhaustion, which is more serious, so it’s important to make sure they rehydrate themselves as soon as possible.  

Heat exhaustion   

Long periods in the sun can take its toll after a while and can lead to heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is caused by a loss of salt and water from the body, usually through excessive sweating. It develops slowly and usually happens to people who aren’t used to hot, humid weather. If you’re at a festival and it’s very hot, it’s easy to suffer from heat exhaustion.   

How to spot heat exhaustion:   

There are six key things that you may lead you to suspect that someone has heat exhaustion:  

  1. Headache  
  2. Dizziness and confusion  
  3. Loss of appetite and feeling sick  
  4. Sweating with pale clammy skin  
  5. Cramps in the arms, legs and stomach  
  6. Fast, weakening pulse and breathing  

How to treat heat exhaustion:   

  1. Help them to lie down in a cool place and raise their legs.  
  2. Give them lots of water to drink or isotonic sports drinks.  
  3. Check their breathing, pulse and responsiveness.  
  4. Suggest they get medical advice. Call 999/112 if you are concerned.  

Heat stroke   

Heatstroke is even more serious than heat exhaustion, and can be life-threatening.  

How to spot heat stroke:   

There are the six key things to look out for:  

  1. Headache, dizziness and discomfort  
  2. Restlessness and confusion  
  3. Hot flushed and dry skin  
  4. A fast deterioration in the level of response  
  5. A full bounding pulse  
  6. Body temperature above 40°C (104°F)  

How to treat heatstroke:   

  1. Move them to a cool place and remove their out clothing.    
  2. Call 999/112.   
  3. Sit the individual down and wrap them in a cool, wet sheet. If there isn’t a sheet available fan them or sponge them down with cold water to keep them cool.  If available, use cold packs placed in the armpits and around the neck. 
  4. Once their temperature seems to have gone back to normal, replace the wet sheet with a dry sheet.  
  5. While waiting for help to arrive, keep checking their temperature, as well as their breathing, pulse and level of response.  
  6. If they start getting hot again, repeat the cooling process to lower their temperature.  

Sun burn   

Whether you’re out in the park, or relaxing on the beach, it’s important to avoid too much exposure to the sun by covering up with clothing, staying in the shade and applying high factor sunscreen. Most sunburn is mild, but in severe cases the skin can become damaged, turn lobster red and blister. They may also develop heat exhaustion.  

What to look for:   

  1. Reddened skin  
  2. Pain in the area of the burn  
  3. There may be blistering  

How to treat sunburn:   

  1. Cover the skin with light clothing and move them out of the sun.  
  2. Give them cold water to sip.  
  3. Cool the skin with cool water for 10 minutes.  
  4. Apply calamine lotion to soothe mild sunburn  
  5. If there are blisters, advise that they see a healthcare professional.  
  6. Treat any symptoms of heat exhaustion or heatstroke and get medical help.  

For more first aid advice visit www.sja.org.uk, or to keep up with the latest St John news by searching #AskMe.