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Blended course and pre-course reading module finder
Use this tool to easily find the blended module or pre-course reading module you need to complete prior to attending your face-to-face training session.
First aid at work requalification (blended)
Please click here to access the module for the blended First aid at work requalification course.
The above link will take you to the login screen and then directly into the module you need once you have entered your login details.
If you do not yet have an e-learning account you will need to create one for free by clicking on ‘register for free here’ below the login button. Once you have created your account you can find the module in the ‘Blended learning & Pre-course reading’ section of the e-learning platform, or return to this page and click on the link above.
First aid at work (blended)
Please click here to access the module for the blended First aid at work course.
The above link will take you to the login screen and then directly into the module you need once you have entered your login details.
If you do not yet have an e-learning account you will need to create one for free by clicking on ‘register for free here’ below the login button. Once you have created your account you can find the module in the ‘Blended learning & Pre-course reading’ section of the e-learning platform, or return to this page and click on the link above.
First Response Emergency Care / First Responder on Scene (blended)
Please click here to access the module for the blended First Response Emergency Care / First Responder on Scene course.
The above link will take you to the login screen and then directly into the module you need once you have entered your login details.
If you do not yet have an e-learning account you will need to create one for free by clicking on ‘register for free here’ below the login button. Once you have created your account you can find the module in the ‘Blended learning & Pre-course reading’ section of the e-learning platform, or return to this page and click on the link above.
Paediatric First Aid (blended)
Please click here to access the module for the blended Paediatric First Aid course.
The above link will take you to the login screen and then directly into the module you need once you have entered your login details.
If you do not yet have an e-learning account you will need to create one for free by clicking on ‘register for free here’ below the login button. Once you have created your account you can find the module in the ‘Blended learning & Pre-course reading’ section of the e-learning platform, or return to this page and click on the link above.
Mental Health: Workplace First Aider – 2 days
Please click here to access the module for the blended Mental Health: Workplace First Aider – 2 days.
The above link will take you to the login screen and then directly into the module you need once you have entered your login details.
If you do not yet have an e-learning account you will need to create one for free by clicking on ‘register for free here’ below the login button. Once you have created your account you can find the module in the ‘Blended learning & Pre-course reading’ section of the e-learning platform, or return to this page and click on the link above.
Mental Health: Workplace Responder – 1 day
Please click here to access the module for the blended Mental Health: Workplace Responder – 1 day.
The above link will take you to the login screen and then directly into the module you need once you have entered your login details.
If you do not yet have an e-learning account you will need to create one for free by clicking on ‘register for free here’ below the login button. Once you have created your account you can find the module in the ‘Blended learning & Pre-course reading’ section of the e-learning platform, or return to this page and click on the link above.
E-learning Modules
Check out our most recent e-learning modules and find our full range on the e-learning platform.

Chest Pain
This module will help you identify the different potential causes of chest pain and understand what to do to assist someone suffering from chest pain.
How to use the platform
The Online Learning Space is an area on our eLearning Platform that individuals can register to access. It is a free resource to help aid your skill retention through short interactive modules, mini courses and activities.
It also includes online modules that must be completed (as part of our blended online training courses) before you attend the second part of the courses in person at one of our training venues.
Booking Guide
For courses marked with a * if you are making a booking on behalf of the course attendee, please ensure you set up the required etraining account under the attendee’s email address for them to access the course.
If you would like to book multiple people onto a courses marked with a *, please contact etraining@sja.org.uk
Frequently asked questions
My username and password aren't working
The online learning space login details are separate from your St John Ambulance account details. You will need to create an account at https://etraining.sja.org.uk/ using the 'Register here for free' link.
If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it using the "need assistance? Reset your password link" on https://etraining.sja.org.uk/.
What system requirements do I need to use it?
Users can access our online learning space if:
- You are on a Windows, Chromebook, Mac or IOS
- You view the learning in Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge
- Your device can run video and sound over HTML5 (H.264)
- Your IT department does not cache our sites
- IT ensure a connection through their proxy or firewall to:
- launch.choota.com
- launch.jcloudcontrol.com
- YOURSITEURL .clcmoodle.org/clcflex.com
- maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com
- fonts.gstatic.com
- fonts.googleapis.com
- ajax.aspnetcdn.com
- *.vo.msecnd.net
- cdnjs.cloudflare.com.
Users may not be able to our online learning space if:
- Your IT Department heavily cache our addresses
- Your IT department block our addresses
- Your IT department do not whitelist our addresses
- You view the learning on Windows XP running Internet Explorer
- You may not have access to some materials without a soundcard/speakers/headphones
- You have an unreliable internet connection
- Your internet connection is less than 512kb a second
- You view the learning in Internet Explorer 6,7,8, 9, 10 & 11
- You use Safari 7 or below as they have known compatibility issues with Moodle 3.10.
Why does nothing happen when I click enter on a module?
Why does the course completion still say not started, even though I have completed the course?
How do I receive my online certificate?
Your certificate will automatically generate once you have completed all the required modules for certain courses*. It will appear at the bottom of the course page; from here it can be downloaded and saved.
If your certificate is not generating, please make sure you have completed all the required modules/activities for the course. Once a section is complete a green “done” box will appear next to it.
*You will not receive a certificate for completing the below online courses:
- Blended Online First Aid at Work course
- Blended Online First Aid at Work Requalification course
- Blended Online Paediatric First Aid course
These online courses are part of blended training courses, where you complete the online section before attending a training venue to complete the course and take assessments. Only once the assessment is passed will you receive your certificate.
My certificate doesn't have a date?
How can I give feedback?
What happens to the data I share with St John Ambulance
At St John Ambulance we take your privacy very seriously and are committed to protecting the security of your personal information. St John Ambulance will never exchange or sell your information to another organisation for their own marketing purposes.
Please note Online Learning Space is hosted by the Charity Learning Consortium on behalf of St John Ambulance.
If you would like to find out more on how St John Ambulance will store and keep your data, please contact data-protection@sja.org.uk.
How do I log out of the online training platform?
I've clicked on a course but I'm taken to the etraining homepage not the course
For courses marked with a * if you are accessing the etraining platform for the first time and need to set up an account or if you have an account and are not already logged in when clicking on "Book" you will be taken directly to the etraining home page. Once you are on the home page, you can use the category icons or search bar to find the course you would like to book.