Written By Ann Knight- 16th October 2023

Greengage Environmental is a London-based sustainability and environmental consultancy providing clients with bespoke biodiversity, energy, and ecological solutions. They recently spoke to us about how they have been implementing their mental health training in the workplace.

Employees who completed our St John Ambulance mental health first aid course are now developing a mental health and wellbeing policy for the company. This is being shaped using the results of a staff survey aimed at assessing the company culture in terms of mental health and the level of support they felt was available.


Thanks to the mental health first aid training, the company has provided a database of freely available mental health services on its intranet together with a hotline.

One of the course participants described her experience of the training: “It was very insightful – I learnt so much and the resources provided afterwards have been very helpful. Since completing the training I’ve supported a line manager in helping an employee return to work after extended mental health leave and I’ve let the person involved know I’m available to talk if they want to raise anything.”

“We made a presentation to the company about some of the things we learned during the course that we felt it would be useful for everyone to be aware of. Hopefully by talking openly about mental health, it will help to promote a positive attitude towards it.”

The company is also planning to develop a new policy around menopause which was raised as an important issue for staff in the survey.

For more information on how mental health training can create a positive, open culture in your workplace, view our courses and resources here.


Find Mental Health First Aider (2 day) course:


Find Mental Health First Aider Training:

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