Published: 10th January 2025.
Last updated: 22nd January 2025.
Author: Cara Sherratt.
Sharing Lifesaving Skills
As a dedicated first aid charity, delivering lifesaving training and keeping as much of the population first aid qualified remains at the forefront of our mission. We want to ensure that a first aid trained person is on hand in the moments that matter, so that as a collective, together we can patch up wounds, treat burns and restart hearts across the nation. St John Ambulance specialises in teaching lifesaving skills to as many people as possible through comprehensive first aid, mental health, fire marshal and other health and safety courses. But we can’t spread the word alone.
St John Ambulance relies on the passion and generosity of our communities, who can choose to dedicate their time, platform or donations to continue spreading the word about the importance and impact of having first aid training and skills.
We understand that for those who want to support the cause, there is no “one size fits all”, so we want to make sure that you and the rest of our communities know all your options for supporting the fantastic work we do here at St John Ambulance.
So, how can you help to get more people first aid trained?
Advocacy in the Workplace
Another easy way to help get more people first aid qualified is by becoming an advocate for health and safety courses in the workplace. A simple yet effective example would be to print out one of our first aid posters and place these in appropriate places, such as our treating burns guide in any kitchen or tea and coffee areas.
Additionally, you can find out if your workplace has appointed the appropriate first aid and fire marshal representatives, who should have up to date qualifications and if not, drive the movement to ensure this becomes the case to help protect those around you. Whether you are looking to improve physical or mental health, we have a free first aid and fire marshal calculator that will help you determine what cover you need for your workplace.
Lastly, simply talking to your colleagues about your own experiences or sharing the message about the importance of first aid and other work-related health and safety courses can spread awareness and encourage others to do the same.
Expand Your Skills
So, you’ve completed your first aid training and you’re ready to take on the world. But how can taking other courses help to encourage those around you to get qualified?
Taking another course with St John Ambulance whether that be one of our mental health courses, fire marshal training, or health and safety, can provide you with a bigger picture of how far the benefits of training can really go. If you’re short on time and like to learn from home, we offer a range of e-Learning courses that you can explore and take in your own time.
Undertaking further courses means that you’ll meet more like-minded people that you can get to know and share experiences with. More simply, the more qualifications you get, the more you have to share! To lead by example can help pave the way for first aid advocacy as you grasp a deeper understanding of just how many lives first aid training can impact positively.
Use Social Media Platforms
Whether you are an active user of social media platforms or not, you have the power to reach a wide variety of people with any platforms you may have. There are several ways to use social media channels to promote the importance of first aid and encourage others to start a journey into becoming first aid qualified with just a few simple clicks. Here are just a few.
Post Status or Photo Updates
Sharing a status or photo on Facebook or Instagram takes just a few seconds and can be a powerful way to share messages to your audiences. Word of mouth alone is one of the most impactful ways to share information and encourage others to make positive differences. So, sharing your training experience with St John Ambulance, your passion for first aid or your feedback on our training courses can encourage others to look into first aid training for themselves.
Reshare St John Ambulance Posts
If you’re short on time but you’d like to support the content we share to our communities, you can choose to reshare some of our posts across channels such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or TikTok. We’re always sharing helpful information, first aid guides and even free online modules, as well as showcasing the work of our volunteers. With the click of a button, sharing our posts can help us potentially reach thousands more people.
If you’re not already following us and would like to keep up to date, please search for St John Ambulance on your preferred channel.
Sharing New Skills on LinkedIn
Using LinkedIn to upload your new training qualification or highlighting your completion of one of our e-learning courses, shares to your network that you are now equipped with the skills to save a life in an emergency. As well as helping to spread the word about our courses, demonstrating your first aid skills can help to promote the importance of having first aid trained colleagues in the workplace.
Share Your Story
People are often inspired by the real-world experiences of others, so the final way you can help to get others first aid trained is by sharing your story. If you’ve experienced a situation where you’ve had to use first aid after undertaking a first aid course, we’d love to hear from you.
Whether you were able to assist in a minor incident, or you’ve saved a life, your story is invaluable to proving the benefit of first aid training. If you would like to share your experiences with us in the hopes of inspiring others, get in touch to submit your story. We’d love to hear from you.
Volunteer or Fundraise
If you’d prefer to get a little more hands-on in your mission to get more people first aid trained across the UK then you can choose to volunteer with us or represent us in a fundraising drive.
Choosing to volunteer or fundraise opens up a vast number of opportunities that can suit individuals who are willing to donate their time or skills to a worthy cause – and have fun along the way. Check out our volunteering opportunities to get involved, attend events and talk to new people.
You could choose to join one of our existing fundraising events, or organise your own with the support of St John Ambulance. Some of our favourite fundraising ideas include hosting games evenings, themed parties and sponsored silences – let your creativity run wild.
Whatever you choose to do, your presence and support is immeasurable in helping to ignite passions and encourage others to become first aid trained.
Join us in spreading the passion for first aid training and fly the flag for positive impact in whichever way suits you best. No matter what time or energy you can give, be sure that you’re making a real difference in the fight to save lives. Watch Jude’s story below to see how first aid training makes a crucial real-world difference in potentially life-threatening situations.